Family Stories Manar and Thaer“I never thought I would have trouble having children. My sister had problems with her period and she got pregnant easily. As for me, I had no problems until I got married. It has been four years since I started infertility treatments and was told IVF is the best next step”. Financial constraints made it difficult for …
Leigh and Phil
Family Stories Leigh and Phil“My name is Leigh; Phil and I have been married for a year and a half. Happily, we were planning our wedding in 2015 when I was diagnosed with a germ cell cancer in January 2015 and had surgery that was unable to preserve my fertility. I started chemo two weeks after surgery. My amazing fiancĂ©, Phil, …
Kristie and Petru
Family Stories Kristie and Petru My name is Kristie and my husband’s name is Petru. We have been married for thirteen years. We have struggled with infertility throughout our entire marriage. In 2016, we met with a reproductive endocrinologist who diagnosed the cause of our infertility struggles. The Coalition grant gives us so much hope for building our family. Kristie and …
Katie and Josh
Family Stories Katie and JoshAfter about three years of marriage, we had the feeling it was the right time to have a baby. However, month after month and year after year went by without a pregnancy. Eventually, we visited a reproductive endocrinologist and learned that IVF was the best option of having our own children. We applied for the Coalition Grant …
Ashley and Dustin
Family Stories Ashley and DustinOur journey with infertility was unexpected as I’m sure it is for a lot of people. We had been married for two years and we were ready to start our family together. After a very long year of trying and no pregnancy we decided to see a reproductive endocrinologist. A lot of testing revealed the disappointing diagnosis …
Tracey and John
Family Stories Tracey and JohnTracey and John have always known they wanted a family, and unfortunately like many others, just assumed it would happen. They finally made the decision to see a reproductive endocrinologist in 2012 and began their infertility journey with Dr. Kevin Lederer at Fertility Centers of Illinois. Tracey was diagnosed with PCOS, and began treatment with IUI. This …
Amanda and Franky
Family Stories Amanda and FrankyMy Name is Amanda Cardona and I am 34 years old, from Mexico. My husband is Franky Palma. He is 33 years old and is from Guatemala. We met each other in 2006 in an ESL program for learning English and became friends. We started to spend a lot of time together, our feelings for each other …
Ann and Harry
Family Stories Ann and HarryWe have been together six years, married in 2015 and started trying in November 2014 after we got engaged. We had a dream wedding, bought our dream house and now we want to do everything possible for our next dream: create a life. After a few years of trying, we decided to do preliminary testing with a …