Katie and Josh

Family Stories

Katie and Josh

After about three years of marriage, we had the feeling it was the right time to have a baby. However, month after month and year after year went by without a pregnancy. Eventually, we visited a reproductive endocrinologist and learned that IVF was the best option of having our own children. We applied for the Coalition Grant in summer 2017 and were very excited and grateful to learn that we were selected for an IVF cycle!

After months of preparation, we were able to undergo IVF with Dr. Adelina Emmi in Peoria, IL. Currently, we have three normal, healthy embryos and are awaiting transfer in early March 2018. We will keep you updated and are full of hope for good news!

Our experience can be summed up by a verse from the 23rd Psalm: “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I do not fear for You are with me, Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.”

Thank you to the Coalition for making this opportunity available to us. The grant has been an answer to many prayers, and we are excited to meet our baby at the end of November 2018.

Katie and Josh are recipients of a donated IVF cycle from our Partner Practice, SIRM. In 2018, they welcomed their son, Caleb, to the world!

Fertility testing revealed that IVF was their best option and they received a Life Grant from a Foundation Partner Pracrice.

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Infertility affects 1 in 8 couples. The Coalition for Family Building is a non-profit, all-volunteer organization and donations directly support providing patient education and grants to those struggling with infertility.