Sara and Isabel: Building Community, Raising Love

We have always wanted to be mothers but as lesbians, we knew our journey to parenthood would be different than the paths of our straight friends. We are so grateful that the CCFB/JUF grant is helping us to complete our queer bayit ne’eman b’yisrael (faithful Jewish family).
We are both deeply involved in the Jewish community and excited to raise community-minded children. As an educator, Sara has dedicated her life to instilling the next generation with a strong sense of their Jewish identities and values. Sara cannot wait to utilize her teaching skills to instill within our children a growth mindset. Isabel is a committed lay leader at our Orthodox synagogue, serving on the Board in a fundraising capacity. She looks forward to growing her participation in our synagogue as a mother by leading Tot Shabbat services and attending glow stick Havdalah.
We’re also part of communities outside the Jewish world and we’re looking forward to inviting our children to participate in them as well. As a museum professional, Isabel enjoys creating learning-enriched play environments for children’s museums. She is excited to get our children involved in the exhibit design process by testing her new wacky exhibit ideas with them. Additionally, as lesbians, we are part of a loving, queer community. We look forward to dressing our kids in rainbows for our annual local Pride parade and cuddling with them at drag queen story hour.
While involving our children in our communities will be an important part of our parenting, we are mostly just excited to develop relationships with incredible little people and guide them as they grow. We want to be mothers because we know what it is like to love someone that much. We are so excited for the opportunity to learn with and from our kids and to help them become the best versions of themselves.
Sara and Isabel are recipients of the Path to Parenthood Grant from the Jewish United Fund – Chicago.