Nicole and Mike: A Genetic Testing Story

Hi everyone! We’re Nicole and Mike. We met five years ago through Bumble, with an invisible string that included us both going to the same junior high, high school, and college just three years apart.
Through testing, we found out that IVF is our only option to conceive at this time. We started our first IVF cycle in May, and after PGT testing, we had two embryos. Our first transfer was on our one-year wedding anniversary, which unfortunately did not take. While devastated and still hopeful, we completed our second transfer the month after, which also did not take.
As we will be starting our second round of IVF, we are incredibly grateful to Chicago Coalition for Family Building to assist with genetic testing for our future embryos to help us build our family.
Nicole and Mike are recipients of a genetic testing grant through our partner, Natera.