Corie and Kevin: Path to Parenthood with Donor Eggs

Corie and Kevin’s journey began in 2012, when they were seniors in high school. After a few years of uncertainty about their future together, they started dating in 2015. When they got married in 2021, they knew they wanted to start a family right away.
After a year of trying with no success, they discovered that Corie had a pituitary adenoma. They were hopeful that treatment would set them on the path to building their family. However, after six more months of no success, they turned to IVF. They completed multiple rounds of IVF within a year with no results. During this time, they received the devastating news that Corie’s father-in-law had been diagnosed with terminal brain cancer, Glioblastoma. They lost Corie’s father-in-law in May 2024, the same month they completed their final round of IVF.
They knew that their next step in their journey to become parents was through donor eggs and were ready to dive headfirst into this process. However, due to the financial impact, they realized that making this a reality would take some time. Corie and Kevin are extremely grateful and unbelievably honored to be recipients of this grant.
Corie and Kevin are recipients of a Family Building Grant.