Family Stories

Nicole and Ivan: Navigating Genetic Challenges on the Path to Parenthood


Nicki and Ivan’s journey together began during the pandemic when Nicki moved to Spain to teach English. In her first week in Madrid, she attended a Rosh Hashanah service in the park, where Ivan, the lay leader, was leading the prayers. He also ran the young professionals group, Marom, which hosted Shabbat dinners and happy hours. Ivan invited Nicki to join, and over the next few months they grew close, sharing Jewish traditions while she was far from home.

Fast forward to today, and Ivan and Nicki now live in Chicago, where they have built a vibrant Jewish life. They attend services at both Anshe Emet and Mishkan, and also enjoy being part of the Base Hillel of Andersonville community. Their journey is now taking them to Buenos Aires with Honeymoon in Israel to continue nurturing their connection to Judaism.  As they dream of starting a family, Ivan and Nicki became aware of Jewish genetic testing through a friend who recommended the Sarnoff Center.

After completing their carrier screenings, they found out about some genetics risks they carry. This revelation led them to the decision to begin IVF. While this path hasn’t been easy, they are filled with hope and excitement to create a healthy, Jewish family together.

Nicki and Ivan are recipients of the Path to Parenthood Grant from the Jewish United Fund – Chicago.